Kick & Protect
1m 5s
Kick & Protect
The Kick & Protect technique is an essential defensive and offensive strategy in jujitsu and other striking arts, designed to keep you prepared for your opponent’s counterattack after delivering a kick. This technique involves quickly chambering your knee after executing a kick, allowing you to protect yourself and be ready to launch another attack if your opponent rushes in or counters your original strike.
Step-by-Step Description:
1. Execute the Initial Kick:
• Deliver the Kick: Begin by executing a front kick, roundhouse kick, or side kick, targeting your opponent’s midsection, legs, or head. Ensure the kick is delivered with proper form, power, and precision.
• Full Extension: As you extend your leg to strike, maintain balance and control, aiming to disrupt your opponent’s stance or create an opening.
2. Chamber the Knee:
• Quickly Retract: After the kick makes contact or even if it misses, quickly retract your kicking leg by bringing your knee back towards your chest. This movement is known as “chambering” the knee and is crucial for both defence and preparing for a follow-up attack.
• Maintain Balance: As you chamber your knee, keep your upper body slightly leaned back and your core engaged to maintain balance. This position allows you to remain stable and ready to react.
3. Protect Against a Counterattack:
• Shield with the Leg: By chambering your knee, you position your leg as a shield against any immediate counterattacks, such as punches, kicks, or a rush from your opponent. This elevated leg can block or deflect incoming strikes while you prepare your next move.
• Ready Your Hands: While your leg is chambered, keep your hands up in a guard position to protect your face and upper body from any strikes that bypass your leg defence.
4. Prepare for a Follow-Up Attack:
• Assess the Situation: As you chamber your knee, quickly assess your opponent’s movements. If they are rushing in or appear off-balance from their counter, you have the opportunity to launch a follow-up kick.
• Execute a Second Kick: With your knee already chambered, you can immediately extend your leg again to deliver another kick, aiming for an opening created by your opponent’s actions. This second kick can be the same type as the first or a different variation, depending on the situation.
• Maintain Offensive Momentum: The ability to quickly deliver another kick keeps your opponent on the defensive and allows you to maintain control of the engagement.
5. Return to Stance:
• Reset Your Position: After executing the kick or blocking with your leg, quickly return to your fighting stance. This ensures you are ready to continue the exchange, defend against further attacks, or move strategically.
Key Points for Kick & Protect:
• Chamber your knee quickly after the initial kick to prepare for defence and a potential follow-up attack.
• Use the chambered leg as a shield to protect against rushes or counterattacks from your opponent.
• Keep your hands up in a guard position to protect your upper body while your leg is chambered.
• Assess your opponent’s response and be ready to launch a second kick if an opening presents itself.
• Return to your fighting stance to maintain balance and readiness for the next phase of the fight.
The Kick & Protect technique is a versatile and effective strategy that allows you to maintain offensive momentum while protecting yourself from counterattacks. By mastering this technique, you can keep your opponent off-balance and under constant pressure, increasing your chances of success in both competitive and self-defence situations.