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Koshi Guruama

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Ko Soto Gari

Chris Thyer - Technique Vault • 1m 14s

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  • Koshi Guruama

    Koshi Guruma, also known as the “Hip Wheel,” is a classic judo and jujitsu throw that leverages the power of your hips and body rotation to throw your opponent. Here’s a step-by-step description of how to perform Koshi Guruma:

    1. Establish a Grip: Begin by securing a strong grip on your opponen...

  • Drop Seio Nage

    Drop Seoi Nage, or “Drop Shoulder Throw,” is a powerful judo and jujitsu technique where you drop your body low to throw your opponent over your shoulder. This variation of Seoi Nage relies on speed, timing, and the ability to drop your center of gravity beneath your opponent’s, making it effecti...

  • O Goshi - Major Hip Throw

    O Goshi – Major Hip Throw

    O Goshi, also known as the Major Hip Throw, is one of the most fundamental and powerful techniques in judo and jujitsu. This throw involves using your hips as a fulcrum to lift and throw your opponent over your body, effectively utilising leverage and body positioning. ...