Backward Breakfall
Backwards Breakfall (Kids Version)
The backwards breakfall is a crucial technique that helps children learn how to safely fall backwards without getting hurt. This technique is essential for protecting the head, spine, and arms during a fall.
1. Start Position:
• Begin by sitting on t... -
Side Breakfall
Side Breakfall (Kids Version)
The side breakfall is an important technique that helps children learn how to safely fall to the side without getting hurt. This technique is essential for protecting the body, especially the head, hips, and arms, during a fall.
1. Start Position:
• Begin... -
Gi Specific Ankle Pick
The GI-specific ankle pick takedown is a powerful and technical move in jujitsu, utilising the grips available in the GI to gain control and execute the takedown. Here’s a step-by-step description of how to perform this technique:
1. Establish a Grip: Begin by securing a strong grip on your opp...
Jab > Cross Combination
The Jab-Cross combination, often referred to as the “1-2,” is a fundamental striking sequence in boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts. This combination is both simple and effective, used to create openings, apply pressure, and set up more complex techniques. Here’s a step-by-step descriptio...
Double Arm Defence Against A Straight Punch
Double Arm Defence Against a Straight Punch
The Double Arm Defence is a fundamental technique used to effectively block and neutralise a straight punch, such as a jab or cross, from an opponent. This defensive manoeuvre involves using both arms in unison to create a strong barrier against the in...
Crocodile control - Stabilsing Side Control
Side Control Description with “Crocodile Control” Technique
Side Control, also known as Yoko Shiho Gatame in judo, is a dominant ground position in grappling arts like jujitsu, judo, and MMA. In this position, the practitioner controls their opponent by lying perpendicular across their body, usu...
Star Jumps
Ladder Drill: Step > Backfist > Step Out > Lead Side Kick > Step to Next Run
The Ladder Drill: Step > Backfist > Step Out > Lead Side Kick > Step to Next Run is a highly effective drill used in points fighting, especially in jujitsu, to enhance footwork, striking accuracy, and quick transitions between offensive and defensive movements. This drill is designed to develop a...
Kick & Block
In a fighting jujitsu situation, after executing a kick, it is crucial to be prepared for your opponent’s counterattack. Depending on the position and the type of attack they launch, you can use either your front hand or back hand to block their strike.
• Front Hand Block: If your opponent coun...
Kick & Protect
Kick & Protect
The Kick & Protect technique is an essential defensive and offensive strategy in jujitsu and other striking arts, designed to keep you prepared for your opponent’s counterattack after delivering a kick. This technique involves quickly chambering your knee after executing a kick, a...
Kick & Move
Kick and Move
The Kick and Move technique is a strategic approach in striking arts like jujitsu, designed to deliver a powerful kick while immediately repositioning to avoid your opponent’s counterattack. This technique involves bringing your feet together briefly after the kick to close off you...
Side Control > Knee On Belly > Armbar
Introduction to our 3 to 4 years old Baby Monkeys Syllabus
Baby Monkeys Program:
In the 3 to 4-year-old Jujitsu syllabus, we focus on introducing the foundational elements of martial arts in a safe, fun, and engaging manner. The syllabus is designed to cater to the developmental stage of this age group, with an emphasis on building coordination, basic m...
Forward Roll
A forward roll in jujitsu is a fundamental technique used for evasion, mobility, and transitioning between positions. Here’s a basic description of how to perform a forward roll:
1. Starting Position: Begin in a crouched stance with one foot slightly forward and your hands ready for balance. Yo...
Backwards Roll
A backwards roll in jujitsu is a fundamental movement used for both defence and mobility. Here’s a description of how to perform a backwards roll:
1. Starting Position: Begin seated on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your hands can be placed on the mat beside your hips ...
Ko Soto Gari
Ko Soto Gari, which translates to “Minor Outer Reap,” is a judo and jujitsu technique used to sweep an opponent’s leg from the outside, causing them to fall. This variation starts with an arm drag, followed by pushing your opponent to the floor while in a standing position. Here’s how to perform ...
Koshi Guruama
Koshi Guruma, also known as the “Hip Wheel,” is a classic judo and jujitsu throw that leverages the power of your hips and body rotation to throw your opponent. Here’s a step-by-step description of how to perform Koshi Guruma:
1. Establish a Grip: Begin by securing a strong grip on your opponen...
Drop Seio Nage
Drop Seoi Nage, or “Drop Shoulder Throw,” is a powerful judo and jujitsu technique where you drop your body low to throw your opponent over your shoulder. This variation of Seoi Nage relies on speed, timing, and the ability to drop your center of gravity beneath your opponent’s, making it effecti...
O Goshi - Major Hip Throw
O Goshi – Major Hip Throw
O Goshi, also known as the Major Hip Throw, is one of the most fundamental and powerful techniques in judo and jujitsu. This throw involves using your hips as a fulcrum to lift and throw your opponent over your body, effectively utilising leverage and body positioning. ...
Ippon Seio Nage - One Arm Shoulder Throw
Ippon Seoi Nage – One Arm Shoulder Throw
Ippon Seoi Nage, also known as the One Arm Shoulder Throw, is a classic and highly effective judo and jujitsu technique. This throw involves using one arm to lift and throw your opponent over your shoulder, utilising leverage and body mechanics to execute...
Fighting Stance Forwards and Backwards Movement
Fighting Stance: Forwards and Backwards Movement
Mastering movement while maintaining a solid Fighting Stance is crucial in boxing, kickboxing, and other martial arts. The ability to move forward and backward smoothly and efficiently allows you to control distance, engage or disengage from your ...
Left & Right Footwork
Left & Right Footwork
Left & Right Footwork is essential in martial arts and combat sports, allowing you to move fluidly, maintain balance, and position yourself optimally during a fight. Mastering footwork ensures that you can effectively evade attacks, create openings for your strikes, and mai...
Cross & Jab Combination: Cross > Jab
The Cross > Jab combination is an effective and slightly unconventional sequence that reverses the typical jab-first approach. This combination can catch your opponent off-guard, as the cross is often more powerful and typically follows the jab. By leading with the cross, you can surprise your op...