Cross & Jab Combination: Cross > Jab
Chris Thyer - Technique Vault
1m 21s
The Cross > Jab combination is an effective and slightly unconventional sequence that reverses the typical jab-first approach. This combination can catch your opponent off-guard, as the cross is often more powerful and typically follows the jab. By leading with the cross, you can surprise your opponent, set them off balance, and follow up with a quick jab to maintain pressure and create openings for further attacks. Here’s a step-by-step description of how to execute the Cross > Jab combination:
Step-by-Step Description:
1. Starting Position: Begin in your fighting stance, with your lead foot slightly forward, knees slightly bent, and hands up protecting your chin. Your lead hand (typically the left hand for orthodox fighters) should be positioned in front of your face, while your rear hand (typically the right hand) is close to your chin.
2. The Cross:
• Rotate the Hips: To start the combination, rotate your hips and shoulders towards your opponent, preparing to throw the cross. This rotation is crucial for generating power.
• Extend the Rear Hand: Throw your rear hand straight forward, aiming for your opponent’s chin or upper body. The cross is your power punch, driven by the rotation of your hips and shoulders.
• Pivot the Rear Foot: To maximise power, pivot on the ball of your rear foot as you throw the cross, allowing your body to rotate fully.
• Return to Guard: After the cross makes contact, quickly retract your rear hand back to your chin and return to your stance.
3. The Jab:
• Snap the Lead Hand: Immediately after the cross, follow up with a quick jab from your lead hand. The jab should be fast and sharp, targeting your opponent’s face or upper body.
• Maintain Forward Pressure: The jab helps maintain forward pressure on your opponent, keeping them off-balance and creating an opening for additional strikes.
• Rotate the Shoulder: As you throw the jab, slightly rotate your lead shoulder forward to protect your chin and add speed to the punch.
• Return to Guard: After the jab, quickly retract your lead hand back to its defensive position in front of your face.
4. Flow and Rhythm: The Cross > Jab combination should be executed smoothly and with fluidity. The power of the cross sets up the jab, which is used to maintain pressure and control the distance between you and your opponent.
5. Follow Through: After the combination, be ready to follow up with additional strikes, move out of range, or defend against any counter-attacks.
Key Points for Cross > Jab Combination:
• Lead with the cross to surprise your opponent and set them off balance.
• Rotate your hips and shoulders to generate power for the cross.
• Follow up with a quick jab to maintain pressure and create openings.
• Maintain balance throughout the combination to stay mobile and ready for follow-up actions.
• Return to guard after each strike to protect yourself from counters.
The Cross > Jab combination is a powerful and effective sequence that leverages the strength of the cross to disrupt your opponent, followed by the quick jab to maintain control and set up further attacks. This combination can be particularly effective in situations where you want to break your opponent’s rhythm and keep them guessing.
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