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Backwards Roll

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Chris Thyer - Technique Vault • 1m 26s

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  • Backwards Roll

    A backwards roll in jujitsu is a fundamental movement used for both defence and mobility. Here’s a description of how to perform a backwards roll:

    1. Starting Position: Begin seated on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your hands can be placed on the mat beside your hips ...

  • Ko Soto Gari

    Ko Soto Gari, which translates to “Minor Outer Reap,” is a judo and jujitsu technique used to sweep an opponent’s leg from the outside, causing them to fall. This variation starts with an arm drag, followed by pushing your opponent to the floor while in a standing position. Here’s how to perform ...

  • Koshi Guruama

    Koshi Guruma, also known as the “Hip Wheel,” is a classic judo and jujitsu throw that leverages the power of your hips and body rotation to throw your opponent. Here’s a step-by-step description of how to perform Koshi Guruma:

    1. Establish a Grip: Begin by securing a strong grip on your opponen...